We get several phone calls each week asking for an estimate for a tune up, but not what's included. Tune-up pricing can vary from shop to shop, usually based upon what work will be done. Manufacturers recommend tune-ups at different mileage. With newer vehicles, the mileage is less frequent because the dealerships want to make it appear that your new vehicle will require less maintenance. It's all just smoke and mirrors to sell more cars. A vehicle that is kept properly tuned will perform better, run and idle better, get better fuel economy, and release less pollutants. This will help save you money.
A regular tune-up is like a medical exam, and is pretty much the same way your Doctor keeps you healthy by making sure you are in great shape.
Vehicles can also vary on how many parts need to be replaced based upon the year, make, and model. Some newer cars and trucks may only need the spark plugs replaced, whereas an older model may need spark plugs, PCV valve, ignition wires...etc. So pricing can vary. So when people call and ask for the price of a tune-up I will frequently ask, "what do you mean by "tune-up", and they caller almost never knows what they are asking for. It is important to know what your vehicle requires to keep running properly. Be informed. At One Stop Automotive, we try and communicate vital information to our customers, as well as general information regarding their vehicles. When we perform a pre-tune-up inspection, we include a scan of your vehicle's computer to determine if there are any underlying issues that may need to be addressed now or can cause trouble down the road.
We are here to help. Call and schedule an appointment today, or you can schedule online in this website. website.