Posted on 3/19/2025
THE POWER OF A PROPER TUNE UP We get several phone calls each week asking for an estimate for a tune up, but not what's included. Tune-up pricing can vary from shop to shop, usually based upon what work will be done. Manufacturers recommend tune-ups at different mileage. With newer vehicles, the mileage is less frequent because the dealerships want to make it appear that your new vehicle will require less maintenance. It's all just smoke and mirrors to sell more cars. A vehicle that is kept properly tuned will perform better, run and idle better, get better fuel economy, and release less pollutants. This will help save you money. A regular tune-up is like a medical exam, and is pretty much the same way your Doctor keeps you healthy by making sure you are in great shape. Vehicles can also vary on how many parts need to be replaced based upon the year, make, and model. Some newer cars and trucks may only need the spark plugs replaced, whereas an ol ... read more
Posted on 3/19/2025
HVAC Maintenance In Tucson we have absolutely perfect weather for a few months of the year. The remaining months are either too hot to drive around with the windows up, or too cold to have them rolled down. That's why proper maintenance of your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning) is crucial in our climate. Whew, how many of us have been stuck in the Arizona heat with no A/C? Its brutal to say the least. The very least, LOL! Driving around when its 34 degrees out is no fun either. Its hard to see with the windshield all fogged up. Driving around with the HVAC not working, in any kind of weather can cause unneeded discomfort, tension and anxiety. A properly maintained HVAC system allows you to travel in relative comfort by helping you and your passengers from either overheating or shivering to death. Have you ever gone out to your vehicle in the morning and the doors are frozen shut? I have, that's why the last vehicle I bought has ... read more
Posted on 2/18/2025

When Your Vehicle Goes Into Limp Mode A drivers worst nightmare may be when their vehicle goes into safe mode or what repair shops call Limp Mode. Your vehicle may go into limp mode when something is wrong mechanically. Usually its serious and that is why the vehicle power is being limited. Going into limp mode allows you to drive a short distance, hopefully to a reputable repair shop like One Stop Automotive. Limp mode typically limits engine rpm, power output and driving speed by keeping the transmission in a lower gear and it will usually shut off the air conditioning. The vehicle does this to help prevent severe damage to whatever system is malfunctioning. A couple of the most severe cases would be related to the engine or transmission. Going into limp mode is surely not good, but it can help keep you from being stranded if you are only going a short distance and hopefully keep repair costs at a minimum. If your vehicle does go into limp mode you may s ... read more
Posted on 2/3/2025
Choosing The Best Shop For Your Vehicle You rely on your car to do more than get you from place to place, it also functions as sort of a protective bubble while you are on the road. It surrounds you and your friends or family when you are traveling. Your car is also a reflection of you and an important part of how you travel. When a vehicle is neglected, or repairs done poorly, it could lead to bigger problems down the road. Choosing a the best shop and mechanic for your vehicle is important. At One Stop Automotive, we accept that responsibility with great pride, and always want to provide the best care for everyone that comes to our shop. Being a family operated business, and being in business for over 40 years, all of our staff own vehicles and and have families, so we understand that it is very important to feel safe. You will always know that your car or truck is in great condition when you bring it to One Stop Automotive for its care. Here are a few ... read more
Posted on 1/24/2025

Save Yourself From Breakdowns And Headaches Breakdowns, are rarely inexpensive, always inconvenient and definitely stressful. Murphys law does not always apply to breakdowns, but it sure seems like it. Its more likely to be the law of, "poor maintenance". If having a breakdown, make sure to get as far off the road as possible. Sometimes you can have a breakdown with no warning, and the vehicle just stops. If safe to do so, put out some road flares or reflectors. At the very minimum you should have a plan. Every year, 1 in 3 people will have a vehicle breakdown. This is usually due to poor vehicle maintenance. With the rise in vehicle prices, many people are choosing to keep their cars and trucks longer, more than 10 years even. Dead batteries, overheating, or even blown or flat tires can be preventable. At One Stop Automotive, we perform a courtesy vehicle inspection on your vehicle during normal scheduled services. This includes checking tire conditio ... read more