Posted on 7/15/2024

Summer a can be a joyful time in Arizona, filled with the smell of mesquite trees, cactus flowers and Torrential rains. But it’s also a season of sweltering heat. The high temperatures in Arizona can push your car’s air conditioning to its absolute limits as you drive to your favorite restaurant or a friends home. Broken air conditioning can ruin your fun, leave you sweating, grumpy and even in the "dog house" with your spouse who has been telling you for months to get the AC system checked. Thankfully, you can still take steps to keep your air conditioning running and the good times and relationships going. Regular AC Maintenance: Air conditioning systems need regular maintenance to operate at peak performance like any other car component. It’s never too late for One Stop Automotive to perform an ac system check. Hopefully catching potential problems early and preventing expensive repairs and terrible hot road trips. Servicing Your HVAC System: Unlike regu ... read more
Posted on 6/18/2024
Its Arizona Car-B-Que Season As Arizona residents, we all know the horrors of jumping into a hot car during summer months, while wearing shorts and putting on those red hot sunglasses. First, after you have sought medical attention for the seven layers of skin you have lost from the back of your legs and possible permanent branding to your face from those sun glasses, we can look into summer vehicle maintenance for your sun baked car. During the summers in Arizona when temperatures regularly reach around 100-120 degrees, the temperatures inside of your vehicle can easily reach around 150 degrees. Some people have even claimed the temperature in their vehicle MUST be around 1 million degrees, but most likely those are exaggerations. But we use these examples to make it easier to understand the affects of our severe weather on vehicles. Summer heat and sun cause some serious damage, the worst to plastic and rubber components, ie... tires, belts, hoses ... read more
Posted on 8/13/2020

Keeping your vehicles HVAC system clean and deodorized Does the air coming from your cars A/C vents have an odor? Has the volume of air decreased since you’ve owned your vehicle? Both of these can be signs of a restricted evaporator core causing bacteria to build in your vehicle’s HVAC ductwork. It may be time to have a non-intrusive evaporator core cleaning and bacteria neutralization done. This is just another of the services we at One Stop Automotive can provide to you in an effort to keep your vehicle safe and long-lasting. Using BG Frigi-Clean and Frigi-Fresh in a combined service we can provide you with that peace of mind that your HVAC system is blowing clean refresh HVAC system cleaning air for many years to come. Call and book your service today for $84.99, 1-520-571-1811. BG Frigi-Clean® removes accumulated bacteria, mold, spores, road grime, nicotine oil, and debris and restores heating/cooling efficiency. Restores efficiency Improves airflow volume ... read more