Posted on 11/12/2021

Gas prices are continuing to increase with no end in site. So, what do we do as a consumer about these rising gas prices. The answer is, anything we can to help save when it comes to filling our tank. If your not getting the manufacturers recommend miles per gallon (mpg) out of your vehicle, here are some suggestions that may help. SLOW DOWN!! It seems like every morning I drive to work and there are people driving by me at extreme speeds, just to get to the stop light a few seconds faster. Then, what do you know, I pull right up next to them at the next light. By simply slowing, down by 5 to 10 mph, you could increase your fuel economy by up 7 to 14%, some studies suggest. Aggressive acceleration and braking also leads to a loss in fuel economy. Having recommended preventive maintenance performed on your vehicle is essential in maintaining your vehicle’s maximum fuel economy. Ask yourself, when was the last time I have done something other than just ... read more
Posted on 10/7/2021

Customer Appreciation Day 🇺🇸 November 6th Attention all friends, family, and patrons of One Stop Automotive. Mark your calendars for, November 6th . Come out and spend an afternoon with us while enjoying some of the aerial displays from the Davis Monthan Air Force Base semi annual air show. We will have hot dogs, chips, and some cold beverages to enjoy under our pop-up canopies. We will also have the shop open with some static displays and other informative stuff. Stop in the office and test your automotive knowledge and win a prize. Shop will be open from 10am to 4pm. Bring your friends and family down and check us out. We’d be happy to have you!  
Posted on 10/5/2021

We all like going on those road trips with our families and enjoying our favorite places to visit. With our busy lives, are we taking the time to make all the preventive steps are taken to make sure our trip goes as planned without any unexpected problems. Your vehicle is one item to ensure you don’t have unplanned events or your trip. Don’t make the assumption that everything is alright on your vehicle. Don’t make it an inconvenience to not have your vehicle checked out prior to your trip. Think of it like this. How much of an inconvenience would it be if you break down on the side of the highway in the nowhere. What would your family think? Take the time to have your vehicle checked out by a trusted automotive shop. They will put themselves in your shoes and make sure critical items like belts, hoses, brakes, fluids, tires are looked at and repaired or replaced if needed prior to your trip. Enjoy y ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2021
Good morning everyone! Randall with One Stop Automotive. Our business provides outstanding preventive maintenance and repair on your vehicles. This week I’m looking for customers that have over 30k miles on their vehicles and have not serviced their Automotive Transmission. Had a customer towed in with 80k miles on vehicle. Never changed the transmission fluid, now we’re replacing the transmission. This biggest cause of failure is low fluid levels and fluid condition. Don’t wait for it to break. Do the maintenance. Randall with One Stop Automotive
Posted on 3/10/2021

Sometimes you get the desire to try and do some of the work on your vehicle yourself. We get it. It’s cheaper than taking your vehicle to a shop and you’re fairly handy with a set of tools. This particular customer decided to replace their ignition coils on their Chevy Cobalt to fix a check engine light. Which in of itself is a pretty easy repair. During the repair, they broke a retaining bolt for the ignition coil off in the cylinder head. They then tried to remove the broken bolt by drilling it out. In doing so they broke a case hardened tool off in the aluminum cylinder head. This is the point that they brought it to us for repair. The hardened tool being broken off in the aluminum cylinder head makes it a very complicated procedure to remove it without damaging the cylinder head. This vehicle is headed to a local machine shop for a very costly extraction and repair. The moral of the story is…. Know your limits. It’s okay ... read more