Posted on 8/20/2020

Modern vehicles are equipped with many warning indicators, including lights and chimes, to let you know when there is an issue requiring your local repair shops attention. This if fantastic until you start to think about things that are not electronically monitored, such as your vehicles alignment. Maintaining proper alignment angles not only ensures your vehicle drives straight down the road, it also ensures your tires are wearing evenly and are creating a good contact patch with the road surface. A vehicle even slightly out of alignment can wear a set of tires up to 50% faster than a vehicle that is properly aligned. Most shops offer a free alignment check and will even inspect all of your steering and suspension components as part of the check. At One Stop Automotive we recommend a thorough inspection of all your steering and suspension components at every oil change and an alignment check at least once a year. This is an often overlooked maintenance item that can lead to costly rep ... read more
Posted on 8/13/2020

Keeping your vehicles HVAC system clean and deodorized Does the air coming from your cars A/C vents have an odor? Has the volume of air decreased since you’ve owned your vehicle? Both of these can be signs of a restricted evaporator core causing bacteria to build in your vehicle’s HVAC ductwork. It may be time to have a non-intrusive evaporator core cleaning and bacteria neutralization done. This is just another of the services we at One Stop Automotive can provide to you in an effort to keep your vehicle safe and long-lasting. Using BG Frigi-Clean and Frigi-Fresh in a combined service we can provide you with that peace of mind that your HVAC system is blowing clean refresh HVAC system cleaning air for many years to come. Call and book your service today for $84.99, 1-520-571-1811. BG Frigi-Clean® removes accumulated bacteria, mold, spores, road grime, nicotine oil, and debris and restores heating/cooling efficiency. Restores efficiency Improves airflow volume ... read more
Posted on 7/27/2020

Catalytic converters became standard equipment on new vehicles starting in 1975 and was mandatory by 1981 when it was fitted to vehicles for sale in the United States. Enabling them to meet newly introduced emission regulations. Catalytic Converters are an exhaust emission control device. It reduces toxic gases and pollutants in the exhaust system, to less toxic gases, using a catalyst material. This is called a redox reaction (an oxidation and a reduction reaction). See diagram below. Some Catalytic Converters can be expensive to replace. Especially if they are part of the exhaust manifold. Its extremely important that preventive maintenance is preformed on your vehicle so as not to damage the catalyst. Ensure your engine is running at is best and if it starts to misfire stop driving it and have repairs made as soon as possible. Routine fuel injection cleanings paired with a regular maintenance interval on spark plugs and other ignition system components can go a long way to helping ... read more
Posted on 7/16/2020
Your vehicles tires are the only thing between you and the road. To maximize tire life, mileage, performance, and safety you want your tire pressure to be at the recommended tire pressure. The TREAD Act (Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability and Documentation Act) was enacted to bring tire pressure front and center in the minds of drivers across the country. The TREAD mandates the installation of TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system) in all passenger vehicles produced since September 1, 2007. The TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) eliminates all guesswork by notifying you if a vehicle tire is low on air or flat. This knowledge can not only help prevent accidents but can also help you improve your gas mileage. Your TPMS can also warn you about existing or impending problems with your vehicle’s tire inflation. One Stop Automotive checks your vehicle’s tire pressures at each visit, as part of our 35 point vehicle health report. We also inspect the overall cond ... read more
Posted on 7/8/2020
It seems like every month we have a vehicle towed into our shop for a no start condition due to a battery that has failed due to differed maintenance. So what can you do to maintain and extend the life of your battery. We suggest customers bring there vehicles in at least every 6 months to have vehicle health inspection performed which includes testing and inspection of the battery. Ensure there is no corrosion present, battery terminals are tight, there is no leakage present and the cold cranking amps are within spec. Always turn off lights and accessories when the vehicle is turned off. Make sure the battery has a secure hold down. Try to keep the battery in a cool place, heat kills batteries. Always make sure you are following safety and handling procedures when handling battery's